The client contracted David Carter Architects to provide architectural services including site selection and feasibility studies to assist in procurement including forecast of future expansion of building, urban design guideline review, programming and massing (informed by urban design guidelines), site plan design, building code/zoning bylaw review, 3d visualization, building material studies, value engineering and cost estimates and contract administration for a new data centre.
The project design accommodates users with differing levels of security clearances access to specified parts of the facility. Notable in this facility is a barrier-free path throughout the building with no ramps, stairs or narrow corridors to navigate, exceeding the Ontario Building Code’s requirements. Barrier-free circulation was extended to the exterior site design as well. This project has a high-performance building envelope that meets or exceeds the requirements outlined in ASHRAE 90.1 and municipal green building standards. Various considerations such as strategically placing limited fenestration to maximize daylighting (<20% of building envelope is glazing), a high Solar Reflective Index roof (>80 SRI), detailing to eliminate a large majority of thermal bridges as well as mechanical equipment that uses free-cooling to condition the data storage space help make a highly thermally efficient building.